Freewheeling Apps

Freewheeling Apps are a durable substrate for the future of software.

Easy to download. Easy to run. Easy to modify. Easy to share.

More details in this talk & transcript.

To start using your computer more freely and safely, try out one of these apps (the others can wait):

A plain-text editor you can draw line-drawings in.

You can also export the line-drawings to SVG or html.

(code for it)

A small environment for writing small, throwaway programs on phone or computer.

(code for it)

Run 20 (and growing) little useful/fun scripts (fractals, cellular automata, voice recorders, equation plotters, games) without needing to install any more software. If what you want isn't on the list—ask!

Finally, a simple tool for drawing box-and-line diagrams.

(code for it)

Coming soon: networking. Freewheeling Apps will become much more useful when you can use them to get your data out of other silos service providers.

More updates in this devlog